Job, 11

Christian Community Bible

16 You will forget your suffering and recall it only as waters gone by.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 11:

In Job 11, Zofar, one of Job's friends, expresses his opinion on his friend's situation and offers advice on how he should act. Zofar suggests that Job is suffering because he deserves it, and that the solution to his problems is to repent and seek God. The verses related to the topics addressed in Job 11 are:

Job 4:7 - "Remember now: Who has never perished, being innocent? Or where were the straight destroyed?" Zofar suggests that Job's suffering is a deserved punishment, and that he must have committed some sin to be going through it. This verse talks about the idea that people suffer only deserve themselves, which is a common belief in Job's time.

Proverbs 3:11-12 - "My Son, the Lord's correction, nor is it discouraged when he is rebuked by him; for the Lord rebukes whom he loves, as the Father, to the Son to whom he wants well." Zofar believes that Job's suffering is a punishment of God, but this verse shows that divine correction is not necessarily a punishment, but an act of love and care.

Job 9:20. Zofar suggests that Job should repent and seek God to end his suffering, but this verse talks about the difficulty of someone who is innocent to defend himself with accusations.

Psalm 34:19 - "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him from all." Zofar believes Job is only suffering because he deserves it, but this verse shows that suffering can happen even with righteous people, and that God is able to rid the righteous of all his afflictions.

Isaiah 40:31 - "But those who await the Lord will renew their strength and rise with wings as eagles; they will run and will not tire; they will walk and not to stick." Zofar suggests that the solution to Job's suffering is to repent and seek God, and this verse talks about the importance of hope and trust in God to face the challenges of life.
