2 Samuel, 20

Revised Standard Version

3 And David came to his house at Jerusalem; and the king took the ten concubines whom he had left to care for the house, and put them in a house under guard, and provided for them, but did not go in to them. So they were shut up until the day of their death, living as if in widowhood.

Versículos relacionados com 2 Samuel, 20:

2 Samuel 20 reports the rebellion of a man named Seba against King David. Seba convinces the northern tribes of Israel to join him in his revolt, and Joab is sent to pursue Seba. The chapter ends with the beheading of Seba and the end of the rebellion.

Proverbs 6:16-19: "Six things the Lord hates, seven abominable things to him: haughty eyes, lying tongue, hands that spill innocent blood, heart that traces wicked plans, feet that hurry to do evil, false witness that It utters lies and sows stringes between brothers. " The Seba Rebellion in 2 Samuel 20 involves many of these abominable sins that the Lord hates, including lies, violence, and strife between siblings.

Proverbs 16:18: "Superb precedes ruin, and haughtiness of spirit precedes the fall." Seba is moved by his own arrogance and desire for power in rebelling against David. This verse in proverbs warns about the danger of pride and the inevitability of the fall it brings.

1 John 4:20: "If anyone says, 'I love God,' and hate his brother, he is a liar. For those who do not love his brother, whom he saw, cannot love God, whom he has not seen." Seba's rebellion in 2 Samuel 20 is an expression of hatred he has for David and Israelites. This verse in 1 John reminds us that love for God and love for others is inseparable and that hatred for any brother is incompatible with love for God.

Matthew 5:9: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." David sends Amasa to become a peacemaker with the northern tribes of Israel, but Amasa fails in her mission and is killed by Joab. This verse in Matthew highlights the importance of peace and reconciliation as a path to divine affiliation.

John 15:13: "No one has greater love than this: to give someone one's life for their friends." David shows great loyalty and love for his friends and allies in 2 Samuel 20, risking his life to pursue Seba and maintain the unity of Israel. This verse in John highlights sacrificial love as the greatest form of love.
