Job, 33

Christian Community Bible

14 See God gives a warning but does not repeat it a second time.

Versículos relacionados com Job, 33:

Job 33 is a chapter in which Eliú, one of Job's friends, makes a speech defending God's righteousness and questioning Job's statements about his innocence. Eliú claims that God speaks in various ways to men and that Job should pay attention to these forms of divine communication. Based on this, the selected verses have to do with God's communication with men and the importance of listening and obeying their voice.

Psalm 32:8: "I will instruct you and teach you the way you must follow; I will guide you with my eyes." This verse highlights the importance of God as a guide and instructor, just as Eliú suggests that Job must hear the voice of God.

John 10:27: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." Jesus uses the image of sheep listening and following the pastor's voice to show how his followers must hear and obey him.

Proverbs 3:6: "Recognizes him in all your ways, and he will straighten your paths." This verse highlights the importance of recognizing God in all aspects of life and following the path He defines.

Isaiah 30:21: "And thy ears will hear the word of what is behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, without deviating you to the right or left." This verse talks about the voice of God by guiding people on their way and how they should pay attention to listening to it.

Hebrews 12:25: "See that you do not reject to what it speaks; for if they did not escape those who rejected what warned them on earth, much less we escape, if we deviate from that of heaven." This verse highlights the importance of listening and obeying the voice of God, warning that the rejection of his message has negative consequences.
