Job, 41

New Jerusalem Bible

2 When roused, he grows ferocious, who could ever stand up to him?

Versículos relacionados com Job, 41:

Job 41 describes the greatness and strength of the Leviathan marine monster, a creature that can only be tamed by God. The following verses speak of other powerful creatures and how God created them:

Psalm 104:25-26: "There is the immense and vast sea, where numerous living beings, too large and small to count. Ships cross the waters, and there you live Leviathan, which you formed to have fun." This verse talks about the creation of God in the sea, including Leviathan.

Job 26:12-13: "He calms the furious sea, and with his power destroys the marine monster. With his breath, heaven becomes clear; his hands pierce the fugitive serpent." This verse describes how God is able to control and even destroy powerful creatures, like the sea monster.

Job 12:7-9: "But now, ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of heaven, and they will explain to you. Talk to the earth, and it will instruct you; Let the fish fish. Who among all these beings doesn't know that the Lord's hand has done all this? " This verse highlights the greatness of God as creator of all creatures, including Leviathan.

Isaiah 27:1: "In that day the Lord will punish, with his hard sword, Leviathan, the quick and winding serpent, and kill the sea monster who lives in the sea." This verse talks about the punishment that God can inflict Leviathan, showing his authority over all creatures.

Psalm 74:13-14: "With his powerful arm, you cleared the sea and crushed the head of the sea monsters. You made Leviathan as food for the desert animals." This verse highlights God's ability to subdue even the most powerful creatures, such as Leviathan, and his sovereignty over all things.
