Ecclesiasticus, 48

Revised Standard Version

4 In his youth did he not kill a giant, and take away reproach from the people, when he lifted his hand with a stone in the sling and struck down the boasting of Goliath?

Versículos relacionados com Ecclesiasticus, 48:

Ecclesiastical 48 contains a compliment to the great prophets of the history of Israel, especially Elijah and Elisha. They are described as God's instruments to accomplish great works and restore the faith of the people. Below are five verses related to the topics covered in ecclesiastical 48:

1 Kings 17:1 - "The Prophet Elijah, from Tisbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, 'I swear by the name of the Lord, the God of Israel, whom I serve, who will not fall into dew or rain in the coming years, unless I will fall Order it '". This verse introduces Elijah, one of the great prophets of the Old Testament, which is praised in ecclesiastical 48 for its achievements.

2 Kings 2:11 - "While they were walking and talking, behold, a car of fire, pulled by horses of fire, separated the two, and Elijah was taken to heaven in a whirlwind." This verse describes Elijah's rise to heaven, an impressive event that demonstrates the greatness and power of the prophet.

2 Kings 5:14 - "Then came down, plunged into the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had commanded him, and his flesh was as a child, and he was healed." This verse describes the healing of the Naaman Syrian General at the hands of Elisha, another great prophet who is praised in ecclesiastical 48.

2 Kings 13:21 - "While they were buried a man, they saw a gang of thieves and threw the man into Elisha's tomb. When man's body touched Elisha's bones, he returned to life and rose." This verse describes another miracle performed by Elisha, in which a dead man is raised to touch the prophet's bones.

Malachi 4:5 - "Behold, I will send you the Prophet Elijah, before the great and fearsome day of the Lord comes." This verse prophesies Elijah's return in the future to announce the arrival of the Messiah. This prophecy is mentioned in Ecclesiastical 48:10 as a promise that Elijah would still play an important role in the history of Israel.
